Wind Park Plandiste was the silver sponsor of the RES SERBIA 2024 conference, which was held on the 23rd and 24th of September in Vrdnik. As a regular member of the Association of Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia, Wind Park Plandište traditionally supports the conference and the work of the Association every year.

Wind Park Plandište is a project company that plans the construction of the 102 MW wind power plant Plandište 1. Over the past two years, the project has been fully optimized and new building permits have been obtained for all elements of the project. The new building permit envisages the construction of 17 wind turbines with an individual capacity of 6 MW, while the planning documentation allows the construction of up to 20 wind turbines with a maximum capacity of 7 MW.

The Environmental Impact Study was updated in 2023, indicating that the plant will not have a negative impact on the environment.

The construction of the Plandiste 1 wind farm will provide electricity to 68,000 average households per year and reduce CO2 emissions by 270,000 tons each year.

RES SERBIA 2024 conference

This year’s RES SERBIA 2024 conference gathered more than 500 participants, 45 international speakers at 8 panel discussions during two-day conference.

The traditional conference organized by the Association RES Serbia is a proven place where exclusives are created – in addition to panel discussions, a contract on financing and purchase of electricity for the Čibuk 2 wind farm was signed at a separate event.

(slika Bojana Paunovića dok prima plaketu) Wind Park Plandište – silver sponsor of the conference

In addition to traditional panels such as the Electricity Market and the Challenges of Financing and Securing RES Projects, the novelties included a panel dedicated to education and a panel discussing e-mobility and ESG topics.

RES Serbia 2025 conference will be held in mid-September 2025!